Genetic Toxicology Laboratory
Created in 1981, the Genetic Toxicology Laboratory of the Institut Pasteur de Lille foundation has extensive experience in the field of genotoxicity. This reference laboratory is one of the largest genotoxicity research centres in France.
Enjoying GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) accreditation by 3 organisations (Ansm, Anses and Cofrac), the genetic toxicology laboratory carries out studies in accordance with international guidelines (OECD, CE, OPPTS and ICH) to assess potential genotoxic and mutagenic (gene mutations, chromosomal aberrations, primary DNA alterations, etc.) properties of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, biotechnology, agrochemicals, etc.
As proof of our excellence in the field, our facilities are regularly inspected and the genetic toxicology laboratory is certified by several French and European regulatory authorities and bodies: ANSM, ANSES and GIPC.
In addition to its on-demand services, the genetic toxicology laboratory is involved in scientific research in the field of nanogenotoxicology with a particular focus on the impact of atmospheric pollutants, endocrine disruption, etc.
Our long experience and research activities are at the core of our expertise.