Standard regulatory tests under GLP

We carry out regulatory genotoxicity and (cyto)toxicity analysis as part of a battery of tests which can be adapted according to your needs, your product and according to regulatory requirements or the stage of development of your product.

Bacterial Gene mutation test (Ames test)OCDE 471 OECD 471
EAT (Enhanced Ames Test for N-Nitroso)EMA 2024EMA 2024
In vitro chromosome aberration test on mammalian cellsOCDE 473OECD 473
In vitro gene mutation test in L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells (MLA/TK) or in human TK6 cellsOCDE 490OECD 490
In vitro micronucleus test in mammalian cellsOCDE 487OECD 487
In vitro skin irritation: reconstituted human epidermis test methodOCDE 439OECD 439
In vitro skin corrosion: human skin model testOCDE 431OECD 431
Cytotoxicity test by MTT or neutral red method (biomaterials) (according to NF EN 30993-5/ISO 10993-5)
Bone marrow micronucleus in vivo testOCDE 474OECD 474
In vivo comet assayOCDE 489OECD 489
Acute toxicity – acute toxic class methodOCDE 423OECD 423

Contact us

If you would like to know more about our GLP standard regulatory tests, get in touch now using the contact form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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